
Spire ~ First Class

Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus

(No God Can Stop A Hungry Man)

"What goal must you achieve before you will rest peacefully?" Parker steeled himself for the usual blank stares as he posed the pivotal inquiry to yet another group. The unlikelihood of coming across a human being with the foggiest clue of what they really needed out of life was something the thirty-five year old mentor had accepted some years ago. 
"Do none of you have the self awareness to answer this age old question? You will never find abiding happiness, bliss, or any sort of peace in this life if you don't figure it out," He studied each of the individuals he had been paid to mentor with an analytical eye, "It cannot be denied that the passionate seem to be cursed by an overwhelming intrinsic thirst. A thirst which, if not sated, steadily drives them to madness and despair."
"You're asking what we can't live without?" A scruffy young man with short brown curls voiced uncertainly.
"Of course not. You can't learn anything about yourself pondering that," Parker chuffed. "Everything in existence knows what it must have to survive. Don't waste your time or thoughts on questions already answered."
"But what if the answer you have isn't the right one? Shouldn't you question everything?" The expressive sapphire eyes of a startlingly lovely blonde burned into him from the front row. 
"Not yourself or what is required to reach your ultimate ambition," Parker's lips twitched into a rare smile. Perhaps this year wouldn't be as tedious as the others.
"Unless it interferes with your morals, right?" A petite brunette's eyebrow raised sardonically.
This was the first ostensibly  dynamic class he had ever been assigned; Parker struggled to reign in his increasingly evident level of intrigue. "Absolution and ethics are rarely a complimentary team and never make fast friends. My job is to teach you conviction not salvation."
"Look, dude... I appreciate long-winded preaching by a pretentious prig as much as the next guy. But it is way past the point when you should have told us what the hell we are doing here." Familiar sapphire eyes glared at him from a lanky blonde male's face.
"You are here because you all have several things in common. The obvious being that you are all fraternal or identical twins, not to mention many traits that this institution values highly. The classes you'll all be taking here are designed to train every skill required to tear this world apart. If you comply, you will each leave this building in one year more powerful than any other individuals on earth." Parker explicated quiescently.
"And if we don't comply?" All twelve voices asked in unison.
Parker gazed upon them piteously, "Unfortunately you will have to be killed. Procedure and all. I'm sure you understand."
Attractive young faces became masks of horror and rage.
Parker smiled pleasantly, "Class dismissed."

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